Agricultural Information Service Government is an agricultural service. It is a service organization and multi-media based development communication department under the Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh . It was established by the government of Pakistan in 1971. The head office of the Agricultural Information Service is located at Khamarbari in Dhaka district . In 1985, the offices of the Agricultural Information Service were reorganized and one-third of its staff and equipment were transferred to the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. At present, it provides services to 15 government and non-government organizations in the country. [1]
Till 2019, Bangladesh Agricultural Information Service has 10 regional offices. These are located in Khulna, Chittagong, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Rangpur, Rajshahi, Comilla and Pabna. The company has a total of 189 employees, including 17 officers. All the administrative and financial activities of the Agricultural Information Service are conducted under one director. A committee consisting of a Chief Information Officer, a Deputy Director (Public Relations) and a number of experts assists the director in managing and planning the department. One Press Manager, Editor, Audio Visual Artist, Training and Application Officer and Film Production Officer are in charge of managing the various branches of the department. [3]
The Agricultural Information Service provides the necessary information on farming to the farmers. The information is conveyed to the farmers by the dissemination workers through various means. Monthly magazine for farmers in agriculture to the public. Mati O Manush is a popular program aired on Bangladesh Television of Agricultural Information Service . The golden crop on Bangladesh Betar , the country is my soil, my agricultural information service regularly broadcasts. [1]
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS